Begin VB.Form Form1 
   Caption         =   "Form1"
   ClientHeight    =   3195
   ClientLeft      =   5850
   ClientTop       =   4125
   ClientWidth     =   4680
   LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
   ScaleHeight     =   3195
   ScaleWidth      =   4680
   Begin VB.CommandButton Command1 
      Caption         =   "Solve"
      Height          =   975
      Left            =   1080
      TabIndex        =   0
      Top             =   840
      Width           =   2295
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'  A VB programming example of interfacing with the
'  the problem:
'     Max = 20 * A + 30 * C
'     S.T.       A +  2 * C  <= 120
'                A           <=  60
'                         C  <=  50
'   Solving such a problem with the LINDO API involves
'   the following steps:
'      1. Create a LINDO environment.
'      2. Create a model in the environment.
'      3. Specify the model.
'      4. Perform the optimization.
'      5. Retrieve the solution.
'      6. Delete the LINDO environment.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()

  Dim con_type As String
  Dim env As Long
  Dim errorcode As Long
  Dim i As Long
  Dim m As Long
  Dim n As Long
  Dim nz As Long
  Dim prob As Long
  Dim Abegcol() As Long
  Dim Arowndx() As Long
  Dim Acoef() As Double
  Dim b() As Double
  Dim c() As Double
  Dim obj As Double
  Dim x(3) As Double

  '>>> Step 1 <<<:  Create a LINDO environment.
  env = LScreateEnv(errorcode, MY_LICENSE_KEY)
  If (errorcode > 0) Then
     MsgBox ("Unable to create environment.")
  End If
  '>>> Step 2 <<<:  Create a model in the environment.
  prob = LScreateModel(env, errorcode)
  Call CheckErr(env, errorcode)
  '>>> Step 3 <<<:  Specify the model.
  'Set the problem sizes

  'number of constraints
  m = 3
  'number of variables
  n = 2

  'objective coefficients
  ReDim c(n)
  c(0) = 20
  c(1) = 30
  'right-hand-sides of constraints
  ReDim b(m)
  b(0) = 120
  b(1) = 60
  b(2) = 50

  'constraint types
  con_type = "LLL"
  'index of first nonzero in each column
  ReDim Abegcol(n + 1)
  Abegcol(0) = 0
  Abegcol(1) = 2
  Abegcol(2) = 4

  'number of nonzeros in constraint matrix
  nz = 4
  'the nonzero coefficients
  ReDim Acoef(nz)
  Acoef(0) = 1
  Acoef(1) = 1
  Acoef(2) = 2
  Acoef(3) = 1

  'the row indices of the nonzeros
  ReDim Arowndx(nz)
  Arowndx(0) = 0
  Arowndx(1) = 1
  Arowndx(2) = 0
  Arowndx(3) = 2
  errorcode = LSloadLPData(prob, m, n, LS_MAX, 0, _
   c(0), b(0), con_type, nz, Abegcol(0), ByVal 0, _
   Acoef(0), Arowndx(0), ByVal 0, ByVal 0)
  Call CheckErr(env, errorcode)
  'Establish the callback function
  errorcode = LSsetCallback(prob, AddressOf MyCallback, ByVal 0)
  '>>> Step 4 <<<:  Perform the optimization.
  errorcode = LSoptimize(prob, LS_METHOD_PSIMPLEX)
  Call CheckErr(env, errorcode)
  '>>> Step 5 <<<:  Retrieve the solution.
  'Print the objective value and primals
  errorcode = LSgetObjective(prob, obj)
  Call CheckErr(env, errorcode)
  errorcode = LSgetPrimalSolution(prob, x(0))
  Call CheckErr(env, errorcode)
  MsgBox ("Objective value: " & obj & vbCrLf & _
   "Primal values: " & x(0) & " " & x(1))
  '>>> Step 6 <<<: Delete the LINDO environment
  Call LSdeleteEnv(env)

End Sub

Public Sub CheckErr(env As Long, errorcode As Long)

' Checks for an error condition.  If one exists, the
'  error message is displayed then the application
'  terminates.

   If (errorcode > 0) Then
      Dim message As String
      message = String(LS_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH, _
      Call LSgetErrorMessage(env, errorcode, message)
      MsgBox (message)
   End If
End Sub

File Callback.bas:
Attribute VB_Name = "Module3"
Public Function MyCallback(ByVal model As Long, _
 ByVal loc As Long, ByRef myData As Long) As Long
   Dim it As Long
   Dim ob As Double
   Call LSgetCallbackInfo(model, loc, LS_IINFO_ITER, it)
   Call LSgetCallbackInfo(model, loc, LS_DINFO_POBJ, ob)
   MsgBox "In MyCallback" & vbCrLf & "Iteration: " _
    & it & vbCrLf & "Objective value:  " & ob
   MyCallback = 0

End Function